Introduction to the brain (grades 4-8)

by Jennifer Malon


Welcome to the first volume of your neuroscience journey. This book, Brain Basics, will cover the most major concepts of neuroscience, such as:
The Nervous System

Brain Anatomy

Neuron Anatomy

Remember: Just like a neuron, you have lots of potential!
Also with some fun activities and videos!
Nervous System
From kicking a ball, monitoring your breathing and heart rate, to reading the words on this page, your nervous system is the key commander for all bodily processes.
The nervous system is made of two main components
Central Nervous System is composed of the brain and spinal cord. It coordinates and influences the activity of all parts of the body. 
The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of the nerves that run throughout the body and report to and from the Central Nervous System.
Check out this video to learn more about the differences between the peripheral and central nervous system.
Brain Anatomy
Just like our own bodies are made of distinct parts for distinct functions (like our legs can kick and our hands can grab), the brain has four lobes for different functions.
What did parietal say to frontal?
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