Vision and Neuroscience k-3

by Jennifer Malon


What do your eyes do?
They help you see, of course!

But have you ever wondered how your eyes help you to see?
Hello, I'm Nancy and I will be sharing with you how our eyes work with our brains to figure out what we are seeing.
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Your eyes are one of your five senses. Senses are something that you understand the world around you.
From the eye, information travels to the brain. The brain pieces together information things that we recognize.
The Cornea
First, light must pass through the cornea.
Have you ever got an eye lash in your eye?
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The pain or discomfort you feel from the eye lash in your eye is your cornea telling you to stop and take the eye lash out of your eye. It feels pretty uncomfortable because your cornea has lots of nerves, which help you feel things like pain.
The Pupil and Iris
The iris is the colored part of the eye and it change the size the of the pupil to allow different amounts of light to enter the eye. 
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The iris relaxes and closes the pupil in bright light.
The iris contracts opening the pupil in dim light.