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The Missing Easter Bunny

by Susie

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

Second, Foxy decides to head to Bears' house since bears were known to hurt little animals like the Easter Bunny. Foxy was always wondering about Bear? Once he got there, Foxy hears something ......... it was singing. She wondered who it was?.... it was Bear. Foxy, again sees something white and fluffy in Bears' garden. Foxy was suspicious of Bear. Once Foxy was in Bears' garden, it was just white daffodils. Foxy wondered where the Easter Bunny could be?
Thirdly, Foxy was shedding tears hoping to find the Easter Bunny, but there was no sign of the Easter Bunny. Foxy's last place to check was Daffodil Lake. Foxy was worried he was going to be fooled again. Foxy saw something in the daffodil bush. It was just a squirrel! Foxy was mad, sad, worried, disappointed which was combined into hurt. Suddenly Foxy hears something in the bushes ................ it was the Easter Bunny!!!

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