Book Creator

The Magical Fairy


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The Magical Fairy
By Ngai Tsz Yan,Sindy 5B

To my uncle,
Thank you for always supporting and caring for me. You are very strict and you always show love to us, so I wrote this book for you. Thank you for always caring.

  Love, Sindy
A long time ago there was a boy who lived in a rich City. His name was David. He came from a wealthy family and he was handsome. He had a small nose, a small mouth, and short hair, and was thin too. But David was naughty and rude, he always played tricks on his friends and his classmates and shouted at them, for example, David often took his classmates' books away without telling them. So everyone hated him and did not play with him. His parents were worried that he did not have any friends.
One day, when David’s parents were taking about how to teach him to be polite, a beautiful young fairy girl appeared in front of them. She had a small nose, a small mouth, and purple hair. She took a magic book and wore a beautiful dress. She said,’ hello' My name is Lisa. I am a fairy, and I come here because I heard your wish. I will teach David how to behave and to be polite .’ David's parents were happy. So, she used magic to bring David to the fairy country.
After a few times, they arrived at Lisa’s home. David was very surprised. Then Lisa introduced herself and told him about his parent's wish. Lisa put a magic spell that would make David a polite and respectful boy.