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Create a Podcast Playlist for your students in Google Classroom

by Keith Reidford

Pages -2 and -1 of 3

Keith's Weekly Update
About this publication
Friday, April 9th 2021
Keith's attempt to keep us all up to date on relevant educational technology and practice once a week. QR codes are also clickable links.
How to your Class's progress in RISE
Don't wait for my annoying reminders about make ups towards the end of the window... You can check the completion status of your students on your own using TIDE. You will have students absent for testing sessions. Don't wait till the end. Reach out to a coach and see if we can facilitate an additional session. This will be less stressful for both you and the students. Let's save the final weeks of the window for Chronic absences... And, leave more time for creative engaging EOY activities to celebrate learning!
Stuff to Know
Create a custom Podcast listening station in your Google Classroom

Want to implement a listening station into your rotations for comprehension practice? Is that old CD player with multiple headphone jacks lost or broken? It's time to liven up your listening stations with engaging Podcasts that students will be motivated to listen to and report/retell on.
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Scan or click for a list of some of my favorite kid's Podcasts.

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