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Attendance booklet

by Nikki W

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Attending school regularly is so important, both academically and socially.  Children who are absent from school;

¨ Miss vital learning

¨ Miss their friends

¨ Can find it difficult to catch up when they come back

Helping a child catch up on missed learning can also affect others in the class, as adults time has to be spent on one child.

Aspire Academy Trust believes that children need to be in school for all sessions so that they can make the most progress possible. 

However, we do understand that there are times where a parent may legitimately request leave of absence for a child due to exceptional circumstances.
We believe that arriving at school on time is essential for children to fulfil their potential. Being on time to school ensures that children settle into the school day and prevents them from missing essential learning. Children who arrive on time are happier, less anxious and ready to learn.  Poor punctuality not only has an impact on learning of the child who is late for school, but also on the learning of all the other children in the class.  Being on time means not missing out.

¨ School gates open at 8.40am, the gates close at 8.50am

¨ 8.50am morning registers are open

¨ 8.50am to 9.05am is 'Late' but an authorised morning

¨ After 9.05am is 'Late' as marked as an unauthorised morning

What if my child is poorly?
If your child is poorly, please let school know as soon as possible on the morning of their absence, giving the actual reason (sickness, tonsillitis … more detail than poorly please) and every day that they are away. 

If we don’t hear from you, you will receive a text asking why your child is absent. If you do not reply to the text, you will then receive a phone call from us.

We will not authorise absences for:
¨ A shopping trip ¨ A birthday treat
¨ Over sleeping due to a late night or being tired
¨ Looking after other children ¨ Letting the gas man in etc

Unauthorised absences can lead to legal action in some cases.

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