Book Creator

Scared at Jack's New School

by Kyle Schneider

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Scared at Jack's New School
by: KS
Jack is going to his new school. Mom and Dad are driving. Vrom vrom. Jack was in 2 grade. "I'm so afraid," said Jack. His mom and dad were so glad because Jack is going to his new school.
"Oh no!" shouted Jack. He was breathing really fast and his heart was pounding. Jack was nervous about seeing the bullies at school.
"Please don't hurt me," shouted Jack. I'm so sad thought Jack. He tried running away.
The bullies came again. Jack pushed them, hoping they would stop. The bullies got even meaner and pushed him even harder. It hurt Jack.
Jack saw a teacher. "Can you help me?" asked Jack. There are 2 bullies that are calling me shorty. "Ok I tell the principal," said the teacher. The principal called the bullies parents. They apologized to Jack and they stopped bullying him. Now Jack likes going to school.
The End