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Christianity in Ancient Rome

by Sam Xu [STUDENT]

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

How do Christians practice their beliefs?
Christians mostly practice their beliefs by going to churches and worshipping their various traditions. Christian worship in some traditions are visually rich, celebration, full of symbol and ritual, while in other traditions are easier to understand. prayer or silence would be emphasised. Some of their main religious festivals are The Holy Week and Good Friday. The Holy week begins at the week before Easter. This festival is actually on the last day of Lent, the preparation of Easter. During Holy Week Christians attend special services which help them to reflect on the events leading up to the death and revival of Jesus. During the week they experience a mix of different emotions from deep sadness to great joy and happiness.

Christians celebrating in the holy week, which is on last week of lent.
One of the reasons for the spreading was because of the works of Jesus’s followers such as Paul. He was many of the Christians who set of on long journeys to spread their belief of Christianity to other parts of Rome. According to Paul’s letters in the New Testament, he wrote that he faced many difficulties while trying to complete his goal. He tells that he had been shipwrecked three times, crowds often threw rocks at him or beat him. Roman authorities saw him as a troublemaker as he was encouraging Romans to join Christianity. Soon Paul was arrested for two years and eventually executed. Another reason why Christianity spread was because of the Emperor Constantine. He was the main reason of why Christianity spread because he promoted this belief as the official religion of Rome. He also helped build and rebuild Christian churches that was damaged before.
How did christianity spread in the Roman Empire?
A map of the spread of christianity. According to the map in 325 ACE christianity was in different parts of the Roman and by 600 ACE christianity and spread all over the Empire.

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