Book Creator

Newsletter 26th April

by Biscovey Infants

Pages 2 and 3 of 23

Head of School Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,

This week Reception have been learning numbers to 20. They have been practising how to count forwards and backwards to 20 and how they can make these numbers in different ways. The children have enjoyed finding out more about their class story whilst particularly focussing on the beginning, middle and end of the story. In SCARF the children have been thinking about how they can be a good friend.

This week Year One have done an amazing job at innovating the story 'Lost and Found'. In Maths the children have continued to practise finding groups of 2's, 5's and 10's. In PE the children have enjoyed practising their striking and fielding skills thinking about how they can pass and defend the ball whilst working with a partner. In Art the children have enjoyed learning more about Andy Goldsworthy and his style of work, the children have been inspired by his work and have created their own art work using natural materials.

Year Two have been pleased to do their PE outside this week. They also started making and decorating cars for superheroes. Next week they will add the wheels and zoom off into the galaxy! In Maths they continue with fractions, dividing quantities into halves, quarters and thirds. Some of the children were delighted to have pizza for lunch this week and share it into equal parts. In writing, there has been lots of innovation- imagining what Shen might paint with her magical brush. I wonder what you would paint?

Miss K Bullock

Head of School
Goodbye and Good Luck Miss Parr
Today we say goodbye to Miss Parr in Robins. Miss Parr has decided to move on and try something new. We would like to thank Miss Parr for all of her hard work throughout the school and I know that she will be missed by the staff and children.
We would like to wish her all the best in her new venture.