Book Creator

Newsletter 2 February

by Biscovey Infants

Pages 2 and 3 of 20

Head of School Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in Literacy the children have continued to talk about their journey around the school and have been writing about what they can see in the school grounds. In Maths the children have been looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8 and have been looking at counting accurately and the composition of these numbers. In PE the children have continued to enjoy practising their dances and are looking forward to performing these to the whole school! 

This week Year 1 have enjoyed their second local walk to the park. They have done some fantastic map work in Geography and in Maths they have been learning all about addition and subtraction to 20, using their bonds to 10 to help them. In Art the children have created their own landscapes in the style of the Cornish artist John Dyer. They children have continued to learn their class dances in preparation for our dance extravaganza next week! 

Year 2 have been exploring multiplication and division. They have been using counters to demonstrate their understanding. They have been using oil pastels to draw fruits that grow in England. Next week there will be tropical fruit to draw. The children were delighted to welcome Mrs Fatima into school to talk about her faith. Everyone asked super questions and showed great respect. It has been wonderful to learn about our diverse community.

Thank you to everyone that made a kind donation for NSPCC Number Day. We raised £98.36.

Miss K Bullock

Head of School
NSPCC Number Day 2024