Book Creator

Newsletter 08 February

by Biscovey Infants


Welcome to our newsletter

Thursday 8th February
Head of School Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,

This week Reception have drawn their own houses and wrote about the key features of their homes. In Maths they have been focusing on doubles and finding odd and even numbers. In SCARF this week the theme was friendship, the children focused on kindness and how they can celebrate differences. Reception did amazing at performing their class dance routine to the whole school! 

This week Year 1 have done some fantastic Geographical writing about their local area, including lots of key features of what they saw whilst on their local walks. In RE the children created their own friendship web and thought about why it is important to be a good friend. In computing the children have designed their own backgrounds and created these on the Ipads. In PE this week they have enjoyed finalising their dance routines and performing to the whole school. 

Year 2 have been enjoying a variety of different Art activities and thinking of ways to keep their minds healthy. They have committed to doing some exercise over the half term holiday to increase their fitness and release endorphins. After their dance performance one of the children said they felt so happy that they had "happy tears!" What a wonderful way of describing the feeling of teamwork and pride they had during their performance.

Miss K Bullock

Head of School
Nursery - Dance Extravaganza
Kingfishers - Dance Extravaganza
Puffins - Dance Extravaganza
Swallows - Dance Extravaganza