Book Creator

Our Playground Improvement Ideas

by 5-6 Red, Yellow, Blue & 4/5 P

Pages 2 and 3 of 96

Our Playground Improvement Ideas
Created using the Design Process in Term 2, 2018
Using the design process to solve some problems we identified during our playground inquiry.
6 classes collected data, found some problems and developed some suggestions to solve these problems.
Which problem could you help us solve?
The problem that we chose was the bike track.
We think we should put it near the ball wall it's the best place for a bike to ride cause it can also go round to the cricket pitches.
This is our first idea of the bike track we came up with.
Harry and Gertie
Where to put the bikes and helmets ?
Let's try to improve the sandpit and put a new one in the bike track like in the design and turn the old sandpit into a bike shed.
If we had a bike shed it would be really good because more people would bring bikes and scooters to school making the bike rack full then people would bring bikes inside.
The Problem
Lots of students enjoy riding their bike to and from school, and they might find it fun if they could ride during recess and lunchtime. How can we make a safe, cheap and physically possible bike track?
Here's the answer...
Our Solution
We think that the bike track should be behind the shed. Take a look...
Our Plan
Laura R and Ali
Bike Track
Here is what our idea would look like. Hopefully you like it.
Thought Bubble
We are designing a bike track for our school so we can ride our bikes in school time. Here is the place we think would be a good place.
Our plan was to design a bike track that is suitable for most ages and abilities.
Noah and Tyson