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Crust Makes A Young Child Take A Long Nap

by Brenton Chesko

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Crust makes a young child take a long nap.
By: Brenton Chesko
For a long time family earth has been very happy and have freely moved around. The members of the family are the little girl in the core, the little boy is the outer core, the mother is always mad because she is the molten mantle and the father is the giant outer layer that is very cool and we all live on.
There were also many plates who make up the crust. And they have very deep boundaries between them. Sometimes they try to push each other and that causes a big release of energy that shakes the ground are under you. That is called an earthquake.
The place where the plates meet is called a fault line. Fault lines are very dangerous. They make people get covered in large buildings and take long naps.
There are a few types of boundaries where the plates meet. Convergent where they move together, divergent where they move apart and transform where they slide by each other.
When the plates push each other it make Mountains and Rift Valleys. Rift Valleys are when large cracks open in the ground are there are big cliffs so if you fall in it is hard to get out.
When the oceanic crust plate pushes into the continental one it creates tension between them and it snaps to cause an earthquake.
Around greater Vancouver we have a grave threat of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because we live in the Cascadia subduction zone.