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by Eric , Aaron and Julian

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Aaron F, Eric M, Julian M
Amazing Bobsledding
How to Bobsleigh

A bobsleigh teams begin by running with the sled for about 165 feet {50m}, pushing it as fast as possible to gain momentum. Then the crew jumps and races down the track at speeds at 84 mph {135km/h}. Zoom!
Where Bobsledding Originated

Bobsledding was made in Switzerland in the 1800's. The four man event was introduced in 1924 Winter Olympics. The 2 men event was added 8 years later in 1932.
Medals in 2018 in the Winter Olympics

In the 4 men bobsleigh, or bobsled competition, Germany won one gold medal and one silver medal. Korea also won one silver medal.
and Eric

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