Book Creator

The Monkey and its Shadow

by Downsville CS Pre-K, K

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The Monkey and its Shadow
A fable by Aesop, freely adapted.
Told by Rand Whipple
Illustrated by Christopher and Silas

From the Downsville Central School Pre-K Class 2020
Once upon a time there was a monkey.
He lived in a jungle.
And one day, he slept til the sun was high in the sky. His shadow was very small.
And in that jungle, there was a lion.
He was very afraid of the lion.
He climbed down from the tree, drank some water. Then he climbed up again, ate a banana and bushed his teeth.
The monkey loved to sleep.
And one day, he slept til the sun was high in the sky. His shadow was very small.
He climbed down from the tree, drank some water. Then he climbed up again, ate a banana and bushed his teeth.
When he was done, the sun was down
and his shadow was very big.
Because his shadow was big, the monkey thought he was very big too.
He climbed down from his tree.
He saw a snake in the grass.
And he scared the snake away.