Book Creator

innowacja The Easter Bunny

by Justyna Rezler

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Innowacja z języka angielskiego w klasie 1a
The Easter Bunny
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 2
What do
the Easter Bunny
bring you for Easter?
chocolate eggs,
jelly and
Chocolate bunnies.
Comic Panel 4
Comic Panel 1
Let's meet main characters:a parrot, a bear, a fox, a peacock and a duck
Speech Bubble
Comic Panel 2
it's a bear
Speech Bubble
It's a duck
It's a peacock
this is a fox
Comic Panel 1
T: What colours can you see?
P: I can see red, blue, green, yellow, brown and orange.

Zabawa w "What is missing?". Huhuś chowa wybrane jajeczka, które przypięte są na rzepki.
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 2
What animals are there?- nazywamy zwierzęta.
What colour is the frog? It's green.
Określamy kolory zwierząt.
Comic Panel 4
I'm Easter Bunny
and I've got
colourful eggs. I sleep.
Look! Animals take
my eggs away!
Duck, fox, peacock,
bear, parrot give
my eggs back!