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The Velociraptor by Natalie and Mason

by Natalie May


Natalie May and Mason Mosher
Mrs. Grooms
2nd Grade
What did Velociraptor look like?
A Velocirapter was a fast dino and ran on 2 legs. It was 3 ft. tall, had feathers, but could not fly. It was VERY HAIRY, and had sharp teeth and claws.
What did a Velociraptor eat?
A Velociraptor ate dino eggs. It was a carnivore, and it killed prey with long , sharp claws.
How did Velociraptor behave?
A Velociraptor was a swift predator, spent most of its time hunting for food, and probably hunted in packs.
Where did our dinosaur live?

Our dinosaur lived in Asia, Russia,China.
Our interesting facts

A Velociraptor's feathers helped keep it warm.

Velociraptor's became extinct about 70 million years ago.