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How the Great White Shark Got Its Sharp Teeth

by Ruben

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

a swim in the Reef, then all go home. However, whilst Stuart was sleeping they would creep up on him and file his teeth with the stalactites. Inside the cave, sturdy, jagged stalactites hung from the ceiling and an unwelcoming stench lingered in the air. There lay Stuart, his snoring shuddered the cave. We slowly crept nearer.
“Terry you take down the stalactites,” Harry ordered, “I will file his teeth and Leon .. eerrm stay out of the way”
“Got it” they announced.
Carefully snapping off the stalactites, Terry placed them down next to Harry, whilst he gradually sharpened Stuart’s teeth. It was done. He had the sharpest teeth in the world.
Ever since, him and his friends continue to race around the ocean eating prey and now have hired their own personal cleaners called BCW (Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse). From that day, he still remembers how people used to bully him, calling him names like “Square Teeth Stuart”.
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