Book Creator


by Ciocan Emilia

Pages 2 and 3 of 86

Project financed by the European Union - Erasmus + Programme
  Reference number: 2018-1-RO01-KA229-049131
ICS FRANCESCO RISO - Isola delle Femmine – Italy
The term "algae" covers many different organisms capable of producing oxygen through photosynthesis (the process of harvesting light energy from the sun to generate carbohydrates). The majority of algae live in aquatic habitats. These organisms can thrive in freshwater lakes or in saltwater oceans. They can endure a range of temperatures, oxygen or carbon dioxide concentrations, acidity. Free-floating, mostly unicellular algae that live within illuminated regions of water are known as planktonic. Seaweeds grow mostly in shallow marine waters, under 100 m deep; however, some have been recorded to a depth of 360 m. The various sorts of algae play significant roles in aquatic ecology. Microscopic forms that live suspended in the water column provide the food base for most marine food chains. Algae can be used as indicator organisms to monitor pollution in various aquatic systems. 
ENGLISH - algae (
ITALIAN - alga (
ROMANIAN - alge (
CATALAN/SPANISH - alga/alga (
An anchovy is a small, green fish with blue reflections due to a silver-coloured longitudinal stripe that runs from the base of the caudal tail fin. Anchovies range from 2 to 40 cm in adult length. The snout, blunt with tiny, sharp teeth in both jaws, contains an organ, believed to be sensory in nature, although its exact function is unknown. The anchovy eats plankton and recently hatched fish. Anchovies are found in scattered  areas throughout the world's oceans and European anchovy is abundant in the Mediterranean, particularly in the, the Aegean and the Black Sea. They are generally very accepting of a wide range of temperatures and salinity. Large schools can be found in shallow, brackish areas, as in estuaries and bays. The anchovy is a significant food source for almost every predatory fish in its environment. It is also extremely important to marine mammals and birds.
ENGLISH - anchovy (
ITALIAN - acciughe (
PORTUGUESE - anchova (
ROMANIAN - hamsie (
CATALAN / SPANISH - anxova/anchoa (
The Atlantic bonito is a large mackerel fish. It is common in shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea, where it is an important commercial and game fish. Atlantic bonito belong to a group which have the dorsal fines very near, or separated by a narrow interspaced. Its body is completely scaled in the pectoral area and the lateral line usually larger in size. Bonitos differ from tuna by their compressed bodies, their lack of teeth on the roof of the mouth, and certain differences in colouration. The Atlantic bonito can be distinguished from its relative by its dark oblique stripes on the back and with a maxillary only about half as long as the head. Atlantic bonito grow up to 75 cm and weigh 5–6 kg and it is a strong swimmer.
Bonito are often captured by tuna fishermen and it is also taken in larger numbers in pound nets. Thought to be inferior to tuna as a food fish, possibly because of the greater oiliness, it is sometimes used as bait.
ENGLISH - atlantic bonito (
ITALIAN - palamito (
PORTUGUESE - bonito (
ROMANIAN - pălămidă (
CATALAN/SPANISH - bonítol atlàntic/bonito del norte (
BARBEL is a small carp-like fish. They are usually found in rocky-bottomed waters with high dissolved oxygen content. A typical adult barbel will range from 25 to 100 cm in length and weigh anywhere between 200 g and 10 kg, although weights of 200 g are more common. Its name derived from a Latin word meaning beard, a reference to the two pairs of barbels, a longer pair pointing forwards and slightly down positioned on the side of the mouth.In Europe it is a popular sport fish or it is eaten by many duck species. The Mediterranean barbel is the smaller fish. Barbel roe is poisonous, however, the fish itself can be eaten and recipes are available in Cookery Books.
ENGLISH - barbel (
ITALIAN - barbohttps (
PORTUGUESE - barbo (
ROMANIAN - mreană (
CATALAN/SPANISH - barb/barbo (
The BIGEYE THRESHER  is a species of thresher family, found in temperate and tropical oceans worldwide, in the open sea, though they are occasionally encountered in shallown coastal waters. Its common name comes from its enormous eyes, which are placed in keyhole-shaped sockets that allow them to be rotated upward. This species can also be distinguished by a pair of deep grooves on the top of its head. The large eyes of the bigeye thresher are adapted for hunting in low light conditions. It is one of the few sharks that conduct a diel vertical migration , staying in deep water during the day and moving into surface waters at night to feed. Its coloration is a deep, metallic violet to purplish brown above and creamy white below. Most bigeye threshers are 3.3–4.0 m long and weigh 160 kg. The bigeye thresher shark is rarely encountered by divers underwater and poses no danger.
ENGLISH - big-eye thresher (
ITALIAN - squalo volpe (
PORTUGUESE - tubarão raposa (
ROMANIAN - rechinul vulpe (
CATALAN/SPANISH - transtorn d’ulls grans/trilladora de ojos grandes (
The BLUE WHALES are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. They have up to 30m in length and a weight of 173 t. Blue whales reach these dimensions on a diet composed nearly exclusively of tiny shrimplike animals called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale consumes about 4 t of krill a day.
Blue whales look true blue underwater, but on the surface their coloring is more a mottled blue-gray. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue from the millions of microorganisms that take up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat head and a long, tapered body that ends in wide, triangular flukes. Blue whales live in all the world's oceans occasionally swimming in small groups but usually alone or in pairs. They emit a series of pulses and groans and it’s thought that, in good conditions, blue whales can hear each other up to 1,000 miles away. Average lifespan is estimated at around 80 to 90 years. They came under protection with the 1966 International Whaling Commission.
ENGLISH - blue whale (
ITALIAN - balena blue (
PORTUGUESE - baleia azul (
ROMANIAN - balena albastră (
CATALAN/SPANISH - balena blava/ballena azul (