Book Creator


by nicoletta savoretti

Pages 2 and 3 of 45

Speciale NATALE
Le tradizioni natalizie
All'interno il poster delle tradizioni inglesi
e il calendario interattivo dell'avvento
Istituto Comprensivo S. Giovanni in Marignano
Classi PRIME
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
pag.3 - Inglese
Christmas traditions in the U.K.

pag. 10 - Tecnologia
Progettazione e realizzazione di decorazioni natalizie

pag. 14 - Tedesco
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
Christmas cards
The British hang them on a thread in the living room or on a table.
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
Elf on the shelf: mum and dad put a little elf somewhere and it watches the kids, then it tells Santa how they behave.
At Christmas lunch the British eat turkey with roast potatoes, peas and carrots.

Christmas crackers are festive table decorations that make a snapping sound when pulled open, and often contain a small gift, paper hat and a joke. 
On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus puts presents under the Cristmas tree and, on Christmas day, kids open them.
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
At Christmas lunch the British eat turkey with roast potatoes, peas and carrots.

Christmas crackers are festive table decorations that make a snapping sound when pulled open, and often contain a small gift, paper hat and a joke. 
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
brilliant work
The Christmas pudding is a cake. Mum puts a coin in the pudding and the coin brings good luck!
Boxing day: it's on 26th December. The origin of the name comes from the past when the rich gave presents to the poor and put them in boxes
Christmas traditions in the U.K.
Boxing day: it's on 26th December. The origin of the name comes from the past when the rich gave presents to the poor and put them in boxes
Christmas tradition in U.K.
brilliant work