Book Creator

New Planet

by Bennett N

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

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"Hi, I am Bennett," said Bennett, "I heard that you've discovered a new planet."
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"Yes,"exclaimed Addie, "I discovered a new planet between Uranus and Neptune we call it the Unicorn Planet."
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"Some planets have moons and rings does yours,"questioned Bennett?
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''It has 16 moons and 6 rings,"replied Addie.
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"Is your planet similar to its surrounding planets if so how is it similar," Bennett asked?
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''My planet is actually a lot alike its surrounding planets," answered Addie," it is really close to Uranus' diameter, it is almost same amount of moons as Neptune, and it looks kind of like Neptune too!" replied Addie.
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"What would it be like to visit your planet," inquired Bennett?
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"Since my planet is so far away you would probably freeze to death and their is definitely no life whatsoever on this planet,"responded Addie.
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"How did you get to name your planet," Bennett called out from across the room
"I named it unicorn planet because I really like unicorns, and it is my favorite mythical and real animal," Addie shouted.
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