Book Creator

Mountain Highs

by Alex Wang Huhem


Mountain Highs
By Stone, Alex, and Max
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................2
I. Mountain Biking by Max Sands.........................................................................3-5
- Descending Through the Hills...........................................................................3
- Free Rider............................................................................................................4
-Mountain Biking..................................................................................................5
II. SnowBoarding by Stone Wisely........................................................................6-8
- Importance of Snowboard Health....................................................................6
- Nature's Eye As Your Guide..............................................................................7
- Life in the Mountains.........................................................................................8
III. Skiing by Alex Wang-Huhem.........................................................................9-11
- SKIING..................................................................................................................9
- White Powder...................................................................................................10
- Winter................................................................................................................11
Descending Through the Hills
By Max
Upon the rugged trails, I ride like the wind,
Through the rocky paths and winding dusty roads,
My heart races as I am wild and free,
With every uphill climb, my body flexes, yet upon descent my heart races.

The thrill of jumps and drops that make me soar,
My body is strong and tireless, never idle,

The mountains are my playground, rough and big,
My trusty bike, my mountain companion,
We bond together hands to handlebars to tackle the terrain

My mind is at peace and seeking more,

So let the world below me fade away.
Free Rider
By Max

Riding through the mountains,
Heart pumping, adrenaline flowing,
The wind in my face,
My bike and I becoming one.

Through rocky terrain,
Over obstacles,
I push myself harder,
Going faster,

Feeling alive.

The rush of the descent,
The thrill of the climb,
I am free,

In this wild and untamed place.
My bike, my trusty steel horse,

Blazing with me through the wilderness,
Together we conquer,
Mountain Biking
By Max
Nature's thrill unfolds,
Heartbeats in sync with wheels,
Mountain trail ahead.
“Importance of Snowboard Health” 
By Stone
Snowboarding is an excellent full-body workout
Never stuck without adrenaline
Outdoors in nature is a great way to free the mind
Weight balance becomes less of an issue
Brightens your mind for the whole day 
Overall fitness is improved 
Adrenaline rush
Reminds your body to stay active
Decreases the risk of depression and anxiety