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Humanities Story

by Alexander Szabo

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

The story of Arthur Alden, the man who sailed with Christopher Columbus.
October 12, 1492
We are lost at sea as waves keep crashing against the boat during the stormy night. Everyone’s on edge and are planning a mutiny against Christopher Columbus as everyone believes he's gone mad and that we’re going to sail off the world.
Everyone is pretty rebellious except me and a few others amongst the crew, mainly some of the older folk who have always believed in Columbus. Eventually Columbus orders me to take out the cross staff to check which direction we’re headed, I check the relationship between the sun and the horizon as I realize we’re headed west.
Columbus was one of the many few who believed that the world was round and that by heading west he’d reach his destination, therefore he takes a sharp turn and sails into the night sky.
The next morning I wake up to an excited sailor repeating the words “We’ve made it, we’ve made it, we’re there, he was right!”. I then step outside of my little hammock to see what we call now… “North America”.
By sailing west we reached the America’s instead of India. If it wasn’t for us, who knows who could’ve claimed this land first. Who knows what kind of impacts this will have for the future…
The End

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