Book Creator

Money vs Friends (FFE)

by M. "Silk" Lee

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

Money vs Friends (FFE)
Money or Friends
By Roger A.
I would rather have friends than money. Here are some reasons why.
First, you can ask them for 1 dollar each and you might have 1,000 dollars. Next, you can talk to them if you feel lonely and have nobody to talk to. Then, you can have them do your chores that your parents make you do. Finally, you can play with them like soccer, football, basketball, tennis, and tag.
As you can see, I would rather have friends than money.
Money vs Friends
Would you rather have lots of money or friends? I would rather have lots of friends because you can't be alone any more.
First, I will have friends because they will help you when you are hurt.
Next, they are helpful when you need help with your homework.
Finally, they will help you out if you have a problem and they will care about you.