Book Creator

New England

by Nathan S

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A Puritan Paradise!
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Colonial New England
By: Nate S.
Rhode Island practices Puritan religion much more tolerantly than anywhere else! Don't be fooled by the Catholics doing it all wrong in Maryland! Come to Puritan New England!
Massachusetts was founded for Puritan freedom! Come and feel free to worship in the perfect Puritan way!
Puritan Leader
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New England Founding
Rocky New England
New England has the most beautiful, snowy cold winters, perfect for making a cozy fire and enjoying the views.
New England has rocky coast, perfect for sailing ships close to land!
Natural resources are abundant here! Forests, fish, whales, and more await your arrival!
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Riches just waiting to be claimed!
New England is covered in forests just waiting to be chopped down! Sell that lumber and you'll soon be rolling in MONEY!
Come catch fish and whales off the coast of New England! There are millions of them, just waiting to make you rich!
Get RICH building ships!
Come to New England to get the best education in all the colonies at the one and only HARVARD University!
Harvard University
Comparing Colonies
THIS is the place to live!
Why would you move to the middle? They have Quakers and Dutch people, and don't understand the Puritan way! You have to work hard farming to make money instead of easily catching fish like in New England! Who wants DIG OUT natural resources like COAL, IRON, and COPPER, when you can easily chop down our greatest resource: trees!
Who needs the south? It's hot and it's close to Spanish enemies. They use slaves down there, and you have to work hard to grow unhealthy tobacco to get rich!
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Colonial Philadelphia