Book Creator

July 2023 Newsletter

by Aspire / Cusgarne

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Head of School Welcome
Dear Parents,

Well here we are, end of the school year, and what a busy, exciting last half term we've had here at Cusgarne School.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate all the children who performed at the parish fete. As always it was a wonderful event, and the children's Morris dancing and rendition of Cornwall My Home were certainly highlights of the afternoon.

Kingfisher Class enjoyed their residential trip to Okehampton; they went gorge scrambling, climbing, cycling, kayaking, and all enjoyed toasted marshmallows and songs around the campfire. Being able to attend trips like this provides opportunities for the children to take part in activities that they may have not done before, as well as the gaining of life skills such as independance & resilience. They should all be very proud of their achievements during this trip. Thank you to Miss Medcalf & Miss Jones who gave up their time to join me on this trip; they threw themselves into the activities, and supported & encouraged the children.

Our Robin & Starling classes didn't miss out while Kingfisher class were away, as they enjoyed a train ride & day trip to Gyllyngvase Beach. They enjoyed a day full of sandcastle building, flower sketching, and no day at the beach would be complete without an ice lolly!

Our annual sports day happened to be on a gloriously sunny day this year, and as always the children made me so proud with all their efforts, and the way they all cheered & supported one another. It was also lovely to see a few familiar faces return to help; Richard Lander students & their PE teacher Mr. Parker did a superb job at coordinating the races & supporting the children.

Our whole school trip to Paignton Zoo was just a fabulous way to end our school year. The children behaved brilliantly, there was so much to see & do, and it was a fantastic opportunity for them all. From lions, tigers, and leopards, to chameleons, tortoises & tarantulas - there was something for everyone!

To our Year 6 children who are leaving to go onto Secondary School; what a pleasure it has been to have you here at Cusgarne, I can only hope that all 13 of you have made memories in school to treasure for a very long time. We will miss you all, but we also know that you are all so ready for the next chapter in your learning journey, and we wish you all the very best.

We are also saying goodbye to Miss Mcloughlin as she goes on to the next chapter in her teaching career; we have thoroughly enjoyed having her as part of the team here at Cusgarne. Sadly, we are also saying goodbye to Miss Palmer (or Mrs. Wilton!) as after ten years here at Cusgarne, she is taking on the next challenge in her teaching career, and joining another Aspire school in September. I'm sure you'll join me in thanking her for all the teaching, support & kindness she has shown to all of the children, and our families, during her time with us. There's no doubt that we'll all miss her, but we wish her the very best as she embarks on a new & exciting challenge in her teaching career.

Thank you to the Friends of Cusgarne who have provided us with many events across the year, all with the aim to raise money and help our school. We really do appreciate their support & everything they do to help our school.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you, all our parents & carers, for the support you've shown to the school this year. I wish you a wonderful summer break, and look forward to welcoming all our children back on Wednesday 6th September.

Take care & stay safe,

Mr. Barnard
Diary Dates
Summer Term 2023

Tuesday 25th July - leavers assembly at 9am & last day of term 1pm finish

Autumn Term 2023

Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September - INSET Days
Wednesday 6th September - Return to school, breakfast club & wraparound care begin
Monday 18th September - After school clubs begin
Monday 16th October - Individual & sibling photos
Friday 20th October - INSET Day
23rd-27th October - Half Term
Monday 30th October - Return to school
Tuesday 19th December - Last day of term

Spring Term 2024

Thursday 4th January - Return to school
Friday 9th February - INSET Day
12th - 16th February - Half Term
Monday 19th February - Return to school
Thursday 28th March - Last day of term
Monday 15th April - Return to school
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday
27th - 31st May - Half Term
Tuesday 23rd July - Last day of term
Wednesday 24th July - INSET Day