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(copy) Komodo Dragons

by Mati

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Komodo dragons
Facts and adaptations
By mati kowalski
Komodo dragons can be bigger than a car.
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What is a Komodo dragon?
Komodo dragons are strong reptiles.They are lizards. They are the biggest lizards. They can kill prey in one bite. In 1910 a Dutch soldier on Komodo Island heard stories of monsters. He called them Komodo dragons.They had a party for a new animal called Komodo dragons.
Most Komodo dragons live on small islands near water in Indonesia.Most live in grassy lands.There are a lot of people that destroy Komodo dragons’ habitats so there are not a lot of Komodo dragons left. Komodo dragons make burrows to cool down. Some Komodo dragons swim to other islands because people destroy their islands.
To escape the heat Komodo dragons use their sharp claws to dig deep burrows to cool down.
I am hot I am going to cool  down in my burrow.
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People in Indonesia: Their homes are built high so Komodo dragons can’t hurt them.
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Where Komodo dragons live
Komodo dragons eat a lot.They
eat one time a year.They eat big meals like cows,pigs, deer, goats and even people. Komodo dragons hide in the grass to sneak and get the prey.
What a Komodo dragon eats
If they try to get away one poisonous bite will kill prey in 30 minutes and then  I can track it down.
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A Komodo dragons claws dig into prey like a drill.
What Komodo dragons look like
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Komodo dragons are covered in a suit of armored scales that give them protection.Their claws are perfect tools for getting around rocky hills.
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Some Komodo dragons claws are bigger than your hand
When baby Komodo dragons hatch, they hatch they climb trees to stay away from predators.The adult dragons will kill them if they don’t climb trees. And sometimes the adult eats its babies if he’s are hungry.
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Baby Komodo dragons
Komodo dragons lay 20 to 40 eggs in case some don’t make it. When they hatch they have no mother and father to take care of them so they climb trees to stay safe.
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Life cycle
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What makes a Komodo dragon a reptile
A Komodo dragon is a reptile.They are cold blooded and vertebrates.All reptiles have scaly, dry skin.All lay eggs on land.
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