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Caiman Adaptations

by Michael


Caiman Adaptations
By Michael Mialkowski
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Caimans have eyes on top of their heads so they can see while hiding from prey.
Caimans live in Madagascar near swamps and marshes.They also live in Brazil, Bolivia, some of Peru,some of Ecuador,Uruguay a tiny bit of Argentina and other places.
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Caimans are carnivores. That means that they only eat other animals. They eat almost everything they can.Baby caimans eats insects,fish and turtles. Large caimans eat way harder to catch prey such as wild pigs.
Caimans see And smell while hunting for prey.
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I don’t want to be caiman food!
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I wanna caiman 
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Caimans enemies are leopards as adults.They have more enemies as babies such as other caimans.
Enemies !!!
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Caimans have armor like scales to protect themeselves from predators.
Baby caimans have an egg tooth on their snout. This helps to get out of their egg.
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Sometimes male caimans fight over the female caiman.
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It takes caimans 7 to 20 years to grow large.
Caimans lay 10 to 60 eggs so if some don’t make it there are still some left.
Caimans Bask to get
So they don’t
Die because there ectothermic.That means that they can’t make their own body heat.
I like the water. if I get too cold I bask in the sun.
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