Book Creator

Nursery parent talk

by Mrs Abbott

Pages 6 and 7 of 11

Key Worker
In Nursery, we use a key worker system.

Each child in Nursery is given a Key worker

The children will be split into 3 groups in the morning and 1 group in the afternoon.

All staff work with all of the children, however during snack and maths focus, children work with their key worker.

At parents evening, you can arrange a meeting with your child's key worker.
A Typical Day in Nursery
The children are to arrive at Nursery at 8:55am/12.25pm. The children will come into nursery and their parent/carer will help the child to hang their coat up and take them to the little room where they will sit down with the teacher ready to do the register.

The door will open for pick up time at 3.15pm-3.25pm. The parents will wait outside the story room and the staff will say a child's name in turn. (If anyone different is picking up please inform a member of staff in the Nursery or at the office.

The children that will be attending Little Lions in the afternoon will be taken down to the infant hall to have their lunch and then will return to the nursery classroom for the afternoon.

All children need to bring their book bag everyday.
All children need to bring in a water bottle everyday (water only).
Snack is provided - fruit/vegetables, milk or water
Please label all items of school uniform and coats with your child's name