Book Creator

Music - Performing Challenge 3

by Rachel Walker


Challenge 3
Record your performance using a device that can record, or perform for an adult who can write down how you did and give you some feedback to share with your teacher.
Turn over to the next page where you will find your instructions.
Where you see the sound symbol, click it to hear the instructions being read to you, and audio examples
In this performance task you are going to be practicing performing using an instrument that everyone can play... your voice! (And if you really want a challenge, you can use body percussion, for example clapping, too)
2. Listen to this simple song and learn it, including the lyrics, rhythm and melody.
1. Watch this video, where a singer is performing in a special way. She is using a pedal on the floor to record her voice and then repeat it over and over, making beautiful music. Watch it a couple of times so that you can see how she does it.
This special technique is called layering. You are going to have a go at doing something similar!
3. Record yourself singing the song. You could use a video if you don’t have something that just records sound.
2. Listen to this simple song and learn it, including the lyrics, rhythm and melody.
I like the flowers
I like the daffodils
I like the mountains
I like the rolling hills
I like the fireside when the lights are low
Doo-wap a doo-wap a doo-wap a doo
3. Record yourself singing the song. You could use a video if you don’t have something that just records sound.
4. Here comes the challenging part! Play your recording to yourself and then sing a second, different part. In music and dance this is called canon, where one part is played or sung after another part. You need to start singing the same song, but a line later, so that it is like the lyrics below. Listen to the example to help you!
I like the flowers
I like the daffodils
I like the mountains
I like the rolling hills
I like the fireside when the lights are low
Doo-wap a doo-wap a doo-wap a doo
I like the flowers
I like the daffodils
I like the mountains
I like the rolling hills
I like the fireside when the lights are low
Doo-wap a doo-wap a doo-wap a doo
Recording this can be a bit complicated so the best way to share with your teacher is to get someone to watch you singing along with your recording, but if you want to have a go at it, here are some ideas:
1. Record one part on one device, eg a phone, and then video yourself singing along with it using another device.

2. Use an app called GarageBand, where you can create lines of music. Put in one line with you singing one line, and then record another. If you really want to be clever, you don’t even have to sing the second part, you can copy and paste it, and then move it to the correct part!
If you enjoyed this, here are some other songs that also work in canon!

- London’s Burning
- Frère Jacques
- Kookaburra