Book Creator

Art - Printing Challenge 2

by Rachel Walker

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

You will need:


Some dry leaves

A foam roller or paintbrush

Two trays (a small plastic box lid will work fine!)

Poster paint

What to do:

1. Get everything ready and make sure you have covered the area where you are going to work so it doesn’t get messy
2. Carefully lay your leaf on one of the trays and get your paper ready
3. Squeeze a little bit of paint onto the other tray
4. Roll your roller (or dip your paintbrush) in the paint so that it is evenly covered. Careful not to have too much paint
5. Roll your roller on your leaf, covering it in paint.
6. Carefully pick up your leaf and print it onto your paper.
7. You get to decide what to do next! Are you going to use different colours and the same leaf? Are you going to use different leaves to make a repeating pattern? You could use them to create a picture.
What to do:

1. Get everything ready and make sure you have covered the area where you are going to work so it doesn’t get messy
2. Carefully lay your leaf on one of the trays and get your paper ready
3. Squeeze a little bit of paint onto the other tray
4. Roll your roller (or dip your paintbrush) in the paint so that it is evenly covered. Careful not to have too much paint
5. Roll your roller on your leaf, covering it in paint.
6. Carefully pick up your leaf and print it onto your paper.
7. You get to decide what to do next! Are you going to use different colours and the same leaf? Are you going to use different leaves to make a repeating pattern? You could use them to create a picture.

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