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Music - Performing Challenge 1

by Rachel Walker

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Challenge 1
Upload your final version to your school’s online learning platform, or perform for an adult who can write you down some feedback about your performance ready to share with your teacher.
Go to the next page, where you will see what you need to do. Where you see the sound symbol, click it to hear the instructions being read to you.
In this performance task, you are going to use different sounds to help you to make other people use their imagination.

You will need:
- Lots of different things from around your house that make different noises (but make sure you ask an adult first!)
- Something to record yourself with, eg. A phone with a camera or a tablet
- An adult to perform for

1. Watch this video:
What do you think of when you watch it? Close your eyes and listen to it again. Can you imagine what the performers are trying to make you think of?
2. Now listen to this video of the waves crashing around at sea
3. Your performance task is now to try to use some different things at home to see if you can create your own sea soundscape! You could try crunching a crisp packet, putting some rice in a bottle to move slowly, or rubbing your hand along something bumpy. Experiment with different ideas and then record yourself performing.
What do you think of when you watch it? Close your eyes and listen to it again. Can you imagine what the performers are trying to make you think of?
2. Now listen to this video of the waves crashing around at sea
3. Your performance task is now to try to use some different things at home to see if you can create your own sea soundscape! You could try crunching a crisp packet, putting some rice in a bottle to move slowly, or rubbing your hand along something bumpy. Experiment with different ideas and then record yourself performing.

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