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All About the Planets

by Jh'Marri Fountain

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

About the planets
about the planets
Pluto is a dwarf planet Pluto Eirs Charon and Ceres are not a magor planets earth Mars and Venus and mercury are magor planet Pluto is the smallest planet
Jupiter is the biggest planet the sun is bigger than Jupiter i is bigger than all of the planets put in side of it. Jupiter has 53 named moons 6 of Jupiter’s moons are not Jupiter.
The moon was created because a mars sized planet hitting earth the gases and fragments came to gether and formed the moon the earth’s graviy pulled the moon 
Neptune is the farthes from the sun it is 2.7812 billion miles from the sun  if neptune had a surface if you  stand on it you will freeze in 0.85 seconds

A long time ago uranus use to spin normally and a mars sized rogeplanet hit uranus and cause uranus to tilt and Juiter and saturn’s gravity effect and cause uranus to spin on its side
Phobos and deimos mars’s two moons are the same because they both orbit  mars they are different because phobos is closer than deimos

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