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The Southern Colonies

by Nolan P

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The South, Equals Wealth
Southern Colonies
By Nolan P. 5F
The Southern Colonies were founded to make money. So, you'll make money too!
Maryland was founded for religious freedom. So, you won’t be persecuted based on your religion.
Come to the South and enjoy hot summers and sandy beaches. You can chill on the beach while your crops keep growing.
Good soil, perfect for growing crops.
Click on this picture to go to Google Maps.
Here are some ways you can make money in the South.
Here are other ways they made money.
Purple used to be rare, but now it’s not. Thanks to, Eliza Pinckney discovering that you can use indigo to make purple. You can now make tons of money!
Tobacco is a big cash crop. Perfect for making lots of money!
Rice is an awesome crop. Perfect for eating and for selling.
You can also be a ship builder. They have to have something to transport goods.
Click on this picture to learn about shipbuilding.
Click on this picture to learn about ship building.
The Buffer Zone
Who wants to get caught up in a war. I bet you don’t. Come to the South because we have our very own buffer. So, you don’t have to prepare for war like these people.
Georgia is also the perfect place to escape debt. William Oglethorpe might get you out of prison if you come. Also, for every person you bring you get 50 acres of land!
Click on this picture to learn how Georgia started.
The South is the best. Here’s why.
Why would you want to go to the New England colonies and have freezing cold winters and poor growing conditions. When you could be in the South with nice weather year round and make tons of money from cash crops.
Why go to the Middle Colonies where there are a bunch of people from random places. When you could be in the South where everyone is English.

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