Book Creator



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Julija Dumbović 8.a
Once upon a time, a king and queen had a baby daughter named Rapunzel.
What they didn't know was that Rapunzel's golden hair contained magical healing powers.
A selfish old woman named Mother Gothel knew of the magic in Rapunzel's hair and wanted it to keep herself young.
So she kidnapped the baby and raised her in the tower deep in the woods,never telling her that she was a princess.
Rapunzel's hair grew and grew ,she loved gazing out of the tower window
at the lights that floated in the night sky every year on her birthday.
She dreamed to leave the tower and see them up close but Mother Gothel refused.
Meanwhile, a young theif named Flynn Rider has stolen something special from the King's castle,and the royal guards were after him.
Suddenly he saw the perfect hiding place-a tower!
Flynn Rider awoke and found himself tied to a chair with Rapunzel's long,golden hair.
Rapunzel pointed to her painting of the floating lights.
When Flynn Rider climbed into the tower Rapunzel hit him with a frying pan.
Then she secretly inspected the satchel he carried.
Inside,Rapunzel found a sparkling object.
It was so familiar!
Tomorrow was her eighteenth birthday.
If Flynn took her to see the lights she would
return his satchel.
Flynn Rider awoke and found himself tied to a chair with Rapunzel's long,golden hair.
Rapunzel pointed to her painting of the floating lights.
Tomorrow was her eighteenth birthday.
If Flynn took her to see the lights she would
return his satchel.
After Flynn agreed to help,Rapunzel used her hair to climb down from the tower.
She has never been outside before!
But when her feet touched the grass she was so happy.