Book Creator

My worldview

by C.L


By: Chris
Rounded Rectangle
About me…
In this book, I will talk about my worldview by using poems! I enjoyed creating these poems and I hope you like them as well. I am a 13 year old boy who goes to a special program in Seycove called PLP. I have created a 45 second video to further introduce myself.

Watch this video I made all about me!
Youtube version:
Check out my blog as well!
The Different Layers

Life has many different layers, like an onion,
Some parts are like a butterfly, bright and nice,
Whilst others are like a moth, dull and grey,
Life is like a bullet, fast and concise.

It can also be as unpredictable as the weather,
At times, it can be as challenging as a duel,
And can also be as fragile and fleeting as ice,
So you should protect like it is as precious as a jewel.

And when you feel it slipping away like sand,
You will look back into the past like your elderly grandpa,
And remember all the memories you made that are beautiful and grand.
The Different Layers

Life has many different layers, like an onion,
Some parts are like a butterfly, bright and nice,
Whilst others are like a moth, dull and grey,
Life is like a bullet, fast and concise.

It can also be as unpredictable as the weather,
At times, it can be as challenging as a duel,
And can also be as fragile and fleeting as ice,
So you should protect like it is as precious as a jewel.

And when you feel it slipping away like sand,
You will look back into the past like your elderly grandpa,
And remember all the memories you made that are beautiful and grand.
Life is a Concerto

When a concerto starts, it can begin with a booming roar or a soft whisper,
Either way it is the start of something surprising and new; it is the creation of life,
And when it starts, it doesn’t stop, it is a stampede of elephants, mighty and unstoppable,
The notes are your friends, harmonious and rarely full of strife

A concerto has different movements that correspond to the different stages of life.
The first movement is fast and lively, mirroring an active child,
The second is full of depth and meaning, similar to a mature adult,
And the third movement resembles an elderly person, mellow and mild.