Book Creator

The Walk

by Kyra Bhagat

Pages 4 and 5 of 14


We were scared but happy that we would not live in fear anymore. Ali’s family and my family were getting our things ready in a room for staying that day. BOOM we suddenly heard. We ran upstairs again to look out of the window and saw the rioters holding swords and burning down houses luckily not ours . We were all shivering.
“Hide” someone said to me, I did not know who it was but I hid anyway. I went under the bed and then Ali came to. The room was silent and I could hear nothing except my heartbeat and Ali’s. I could hear loud stomping footsteps come up the stairs and the door of the room swung open, we all held our breath as they looked around the room they could not see any of us . Before they went one person looked like he was sniffing around and thought someone was hiding here. He looked at another person and nodded his head. We could finally come out.
Then we heard those footsteps again but softer so we started hiding again. The people were there again but just left. We came out and Mom asked why they came twice.
“They might have thought someone was hiding and tried to trick us” I answered.  After that we all got our room at Raj’s house till we leave. We waited and waited talking, napping, playing board games and sometimes even sitting doing nothing. Those were one of the longest hours in my life because I didn't want to leave Kolkata but I wanted to be safe and also really wanted to go. I was so confused on how I was feeling but I was really worried about finding a house in Bangladesh and a job for my parents to get money for us to live.