Book Creator

The Sun

by Ethan Balbier

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

Illustrated and Written by Ethan Balbier
The sun gives us light.
Without the sun, it would be just darkness.
With the sun, there are plants to eat.
Without the sun there would be nothing to eat.
warm sunlight
The sun makes us warm.
We'd be ice cubes without the sun.
Ice cubes
Ultra Violet Rays
Did you know that the sun has invisible ultra violet (uv) rays? They can give you sunburns.
Ultra Violet Rays
UV Rays
Do you about the invisible UV rays that come from the sun?
UV rays can still burn you on a cloudy day.
Too much time in UV light can give you sunburns.
To protect yourself from the sun wear sunscreen. You could wear a hat and long sleeves. It's a good idea to stay inside when UV is very strong. That is around 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.