Book Creator

Kikimora and the moira (the fates)

by The etwinning group of the 2. class of the 2. Arsakeio school of Athens &Angela Metallinou

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Kikimora is a legendary creature, a female house spirit in Slavic mythology. Her role in the house is usually juxtaposed with that of the domovoy. The kikimora can either be a "bad" or a "good" spirit, which will depend on the behavior of the homeowner. When the kikimora inhabits a house, she lives behind the stove or in the cellar, and usually produces noises similar to those made by mice in order to obtain food.
Group names: Zissis, George, Fanis
Clotho or Klotho, is a mythological figure. She is the youngest goddess of the Three Fates. In ancient Greek mythology, she spins the thread of human life, her sisters draw out and cut the thread. Her Roman equivalent is Nona. She also made major decisions, such as when a person was born, thus in effect controlling people's lives. As one of the three fates her influence in Greek mythology was significant. Along with her sisters. Clotho was given credit for creating the alphabet for their people. Even though Clotho and her sisters were worshiped as goddesses, their representation of fate is more central to their role in mythology. Thread represented human life and her decisions represented the fate of all people in society.