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All About Me

by Rebecca Johnson

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All About Me
By: Rebecca Johnson
For as long as I can remember, becoming a teacher was always my dream job. After working with the Access group in high school, I knew I wanted to teach Special Education. This career path is perfect for me because I enjoy working with children and love to see their faces when they finally make a connection to a concept.
Being patient will benefit me as a special education teacher in many different ways.
When working with students who have diverse physical, emotional, and/or mental challenges it can take them longer to complete simple tasks.
No matter how long it takes, special education teachers must give the child the time to complete the task.
Organization will help me as a teacher by keeping all of my many documents, lessons, activities, dates and times straight. Also, by modeling organization will show students how to be organized with their own work. Organization in the classroom helps create a good learning environment.
Since children with disabilities all learn in different ways, special education teachers must know how to adapt lessons that work for the strengths of each of their students. Creativity will also help me as a teacher by creating lessons that will capture my students' attention and interests.
Determination will help me in my career as a special education teacher. There are many times when I do not succeed but instead of giving up, I keep trying until I succeed. When teaching students with disabilities, things do not always pan out the way you had planned but being determined allows for the learning to continue instead of getting frustrated.
I am very enthusiastic when I am in the classroom and this is because if you are not enthusiastic about teaching, then your students will not be enthusiastic about learning.

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