Book Creator

George The Knight, And His Brave Adventures...

by Andrew Nyback, Anthony Moreno

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

 It was a sunny beautiful day full of birds singing and clouds humming in George the Knight’s castle. George the Knight was a greedy, mean person that lived in a huge castle right outside of a forest. He had a big red nose and a big mustache that was all covered up by his shiny helmet. He was extremely wealthy and rich and would never share any of it. Him and his horse would walk around all day showing the maids and other people all his money. 
“You'll never be as rich as me you filthy maids,” said George meanly to the maids.
 The forest he lived in was full of mystical and magical creatures that can be very dangerous as he will learn soon.
George was in his million dollar pool relaxing, when all of a sudden he felt a strong gust of wind hit him. He almost got knocked right out of the pool it was so strong! He thought maybe it was just a random bit of wind, but then, the biggest tornado George has ever seen was crawling above him.