Book Creator

The Rainbow Land Treasure

by Chestnut Class 2021/22

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The Rainbow Land Treasure
Written by the Chestnut Class as their last project in Junior Infants - June 2022!
The class all decided on the characters, the setting and the story. They worked together to decide what might happen and voted on their favourite. They got into their own groups to illustrate our story.
We hope you enjoy reading & listening to our story!
Chinmay, Julian, Alex
Once upon a time there were some mean pirates. They travelled to Rainbow Land to steal the unicorn's treasure. They sailed their boat up the rainbow.
Alisa, Hayfa, Serine, Amira
The unicorns had lots of gold and crystals. They kept the treasure in their castle. They keep it in a secret room. They were counting their treasure.
Andrew, Filip, Ancor
The pirates went to the castle. They dug a tunnel under the castle. They want to steal the treasure.
Sara, Ola, Mason
The unicorns saw the pirates coming. They put their treasure in a treasure chest. They buried the treasure in the Rainbow Forest.
Nathan, Zahara, Skylar
The pirates jumped out of their tunnel. The unicorns were waiting. They captured the pirates!
Patrick, Alicia, Patrycja, Zarif
The unicorns put the pirates back on their boat. The pirates were kicked out of Rainbow Land. They sailed their boat back down the rainbow.