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Miss Invisible

by Nihira Jirapure

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

It was a regular day, I woke up and got ready for school as usual. At school, everything was going well till Recess. The most popular girl, who is also a bully, came up to me, as usual. She started her routine but today she was getting on my nerves but I was controlling it. Suddenly she started screaming and ran away from me. I didn't know what was happening. All eyes were on me. Their eyes were filled with fear.

My best friend, Sandra, came up to me and pulled me out of the canteen. She started, "What was that, Nia?"
I was in confusing, "What are you talking about?"
She gave me a questioning look, "You don't know what you did there?"
I shook my head in denial.
"You were turning invisible!" she exclaimed.
I was astounded. How was that even reasonable? "You are joking?" I replied.
She didn't reply, but looked at me with awe, "It's happening again."
I stared at my hands and realized that they were starting to become invisible.
I was so scared looking at myself. Then suddenly Sandra said, "Wait! Calm down."
I tried to calm a bit and I realized I was turning back to normal.
She exclaimed, "Experiment time!!!"

She dragged me toward her secret room. "Now, try to get angry." I did as she said. "Ok now calm down, now sad or afraid" I again followed her instructions. "It worked. Your emotions control it." Sandra exclaimed in victory.
The next day, I was walking around, I noticed the school bully threaten another kid with her group. I was angry and invisible. Well, that made me happy for a while but I could hold my invisible.

I seized the opportunity. I went up to her and slapped her, stepped on her feet, and pushed her group on her. I took the kid's hand and led him away. Although he couldn't see me, he thanked me. Whereas the bullies were still wondering what happened with them.

From that day on I started to protect the kids from the bullies. And I was known as Miss Invisible. Nobody knew who I really was except Sandra. I started to live a double life as Nia and Miss Invisible.

But I still wonder how did they forget what happened in the canteen that day?

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