Book Creator

Protéger l'environement

by George Green's school et/and Collège Juliette Dodu

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We are a secondary and sixth form school in East London that truly believes in our values of ‘Aspiration, Equality, Excellence’. We also strongly think that languages bring people together and our collaboration and friendship with Juliette Dodu secondary school on Reunion Island is a perfect example. Both our students have written this book in the language they are learning. George Green's has written in French, and Juliette Dodu in English. After introducing themselves, they both talk about a topic that concerns all of us: the environment. Both Miss Morin and I (Miss Badich) are extremely proud of their work. Who knew that they both love Manga???!!!
Miss N. Badich. London/UK
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Miss F. Morin. Saint-Denis/Reunion
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Bienvenue à george green's school.
Thought Bubble
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smiling face with sunglasses
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Salut! Je m'appelle Zahra et j'ai douze ans. J'adore voyager en France et en Algérie pour voir ma famille. J'aime faire du patin à roulettes et aller sur mon iphone. Ma matière préfére c'est les sciences et le français. Je sais jouer du piano et j'adore ça aussi. À plus tard!
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Il y a beacoup de vacances dans l'annee mais mes vacances preferees c'est en ete parce que c'est les plus longue vacances dans l'annee. C'est six semaines.
Cliquez ici, moi jouant du piano!