Book Creator

D.C.Y.C. Photo Collection

by Marshall Archibald


The goal of this photo book is to educate the reader on the history of the Deep Cove Yacht Club. Through my research I have uncovered some very old and rare images along with some new ones as well. Hopefully these images provide context on the history of the D.C.Y.C
The original club - 1984
The small old government dock and a lone sailor
A photo of the cove with no buildings. pre Yacht club and largely unsettled
A photo highlighting how the cove was rapidly becoming a destination to people far and wide
Another photo, showing the upgraded government dock and new D.C.Y.C. wharf, the cove was busy!
The Club, taken from the Northwest side
The original hand carved sign with a glowing bulb
The leather-furnished interior of the old clubhouse
The communications room with all the important names and numbers