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Middle Colonies

by Landon B.

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

come to the middle colonys, It's a gold mine!
Middle colonies
Rounded Rectangle
By: Landon B.
Come here to the middle colonys where you can get some gold to get rich. Don't go to New England where you only get a dollor for wood. That is a rip off! Also don't go to the southern colonys because there are mosquitoes that can give you diesesis that are deadley. So come to the middle colonys where you can get rich from gold!
You can also get iron here witch will get you rich! You will maker a lot of money if you can get some iron! So come here and get some iron!
Reason for founding
Come here where it is safe for Quakers. Don't go to New England where they can kick you out. And don't go to the southern coloines where you would have to be a Cathlects. So come here where the Quakers can be safe!
All the settlers should come to the middle coloines. There is plently of room here for you. So come here and enjoy the middle colonies with us!
Click here for a viedo about Quakers!
Come here, there is amazing weather! It is also good for farming. You can plant what ever you want! It also snows a lot. It is not good for farming, but it is good for a sneak attack on your enemys. In the other colonies it dosen't snow that much. So come here the weather is amazing!
There are amazing animals here in the middle colonies. One of the most popular animals here is the bever. In New England and the southern colonies bevers don't live there. They only live in the middle colonies. You can sell it's skin for a lot of money. They live near rivers. So come here and make some money!

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