Book Creator

Robert the Monkey

by Leon & John


By Leon and John
Robert the Monkey

Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Robert. He loved bananas, but he ran out of them all the time. So instead he decided to steal other monkeys' bananas.
The other monkeys were very afraid because he was a big bully. The chief monkey found out and he was very mad. The chief monkey talked to Robert and said, "Don't steal anyone's bananas, Robert ,or you will have very bad karma."
The next day, Robert went up a tree to go steal bananas from the new monkey but the new monkey was very strong.
The monkey who was as strong as a bodybuilder, pushes Robert off the tree and Robert gets very hurt. The other monkeys heard him fall from the tree and heard this, " BOOM, BANG, CLUNK."
Robert had a slow recovery and had a lot of time to reflect on what he did wrong and felt sad.
Robert learned from what he did and decided to give back bananas to the others he stole from. He learns that being mean is not very nice.