A new book

by Serena Mehta


"Hi! my name is Serena and I will be interviewing you today."
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"oh yay! I am being Interviewed today! 
My name is Dr. mcgehee."
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"I have a few questions ...Where is your planet located?,  what is its distance from the sun?, and what is the diameter?" Asked Serena.
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"my planet is located in between Mercury and Venus. it is an inner planet". "It's diameter is 1,094 km and the distance from the sun is 60,835,745 km," Said Dr. Mcgehee.
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"Some planets have moons or rings. Does yours?" Questioned Serena.
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"No, my planet does not have any rings or moons,"Dr. Mcgehee responded.
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"How is your planet similar to the surrounding planet?" Exclaimed Serena.
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"Well Serena, they have similar revolutions, rotations, rocky surface, and have few moons," Answered Dr. Mcgeehe. 
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"What would it be like to visit your planet?" inquired Serena.
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" it would be hard because there is no oxygen and no gravity so you would just float," Declared Dr. mcgehee .
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" I have one final question for you! How did you decide on the name of your planet?" probed Serena.
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"I decided to name my planet Peppa Pig, because the planet color is pink, orange and blue," explaned Dr. Mcgehee. 
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The End!