Book Creator

Whitecap Dakota Circle of Life Teachings

by Michelle and Lezlie in consultation with Whitecap Dakota Elders


Whitecap Dakota
Circle of Life Teachings
Based on the Teachings of the Whitecap Dakota People

Information Compiled By: Michelle Pantel & Lezlie Goudie Cloutier
In Consultation with Whitecap Dakota Elders

Illustrations By: Natasha Chiesa, Christian Boyle, Colin Scrapek & Michelle Pantel

The information in this booklet was compiled from cultural knowledge shared by Whitecap Dakota Elders and educators for the purposes of educating students on the Dakota perspective of the Circle of Life. We thank the contributors for sharing their knowledge of Dakota language and culture.

Important: Cultural Protocol and Sharing Information

It is important that the cultural knowledge of our Elders is used, communicated, and understood in the proper way. The information in this booklet is sacred knowledge that should not be used out of context or without first having the proper accompanying cultural knowledge.

To ensure this knowledge is treated respectfully, we ask that you do not distribute or reproduce this material outside of its educational purpose without first asking and obtaining permission from Whitecap Dakota First Nation.

This book was funded in part by the Government of Canada as part of the Canada 150 initiative.