Book Creator

Hello First Grade

by Kellie Freestone

Pages 6 and 7 of 14

At Home Reading
Take-home books will come home on Monday. Students read the books during the week and return them on Friday. Communication folders will come home weekly on Monday with important papers and the sight words we are working on at school. Thanks for your support!

Please read 20 minutes a day. Here are some ways to practice reading each day.

Sight Words: Please take some time to practice reading the sight words (heart words) during the week if your child does not know these words. We will provide several activities that you can use to practice these words with your child.

Take-Home Reading: We are sending home 2 take-home library books each week. Students will return them on Friday and then get new ones each Monday.

*Reading with your child at home is critical for their reading development. Please read with your child often.
The programs we will be using this year are FOSS science, author studies for language arts, Math Expressions, Blast Foundations for phonics/spelling, and Walk to Read for reading. We are going to be using the program Second Step for social and emotional learning. During social studies, we will be learning about different communities, cultures, and our place in this world.
Get to Know You Bag
I want to get to know each child in my class. The "Get to Know You Bag" will help your child share what makes them awesome. On the first day of school your child will get a brown paper bag to take home. There will be instructions about what to put in the bag to share with the class. Please return the bag by Monday, August 28th. We will spend the first few weeks of school getting to know each other.